“When I was first introduced to the x39 patches I was skeptical. But after seeing so many amazing testimonials I gave it a fair chance. After 3 months I realized that I have never felt better. I am sleeping great, I feel great, and I have way more energy than I’ve ever had before. ”

— Kelsey F.

I have been using Lifewave x39 patches for about 6 months now and my over all health and well being is nothing but overall amazing! I was in severe back pain and had torn my shoulder about about a year ago and I’m very active with riding horses and being a grandma to 5 young ones. Since using Lifewave patches my joint pain, my back, my shoulder no longer hurt and I have increased energy and sleep better daily. I’ve tried several other products and took meds for pain daily and now all I do is put my patch on every morning and go 24/7 and have never felt or looked looked better and I just turned 57 years old. Thank you Kelsey Fulmer for introducing me to Life Wave I feel like I can do the things I want to do and feel like I can keep up with my grand-babies! 

— Donya W.

“In the beginning of wearing the X39 patch I didn’t initially “feel” any changes, however, once I gave it time to work, the benefits have been life changing for me. I struggled with hormonal imbalances after having my son Ace, lack of energy and your typical body soreness after everyday barn chores and working horses. Using the X39 along with some of the other great patches like the X49, Glutathione and Aeon, I no longer struggle with any of those! I’ll never go a day without wearing the X39!”

— Julia W.