Not sure where to start or what product to choose? Here are our favorites!

  • X39: The go-to for daily wear


    • New technology stimulates the skin with low levels of light, resulting in improved energy flow

    • Improvement to your overall health in areas including your energy, mental clarity, sleep, reduced inflammation and reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles

    • Supports improvements in strength and stamina



    • Fast-acting, targeted pain relief

    • Convenient and easy to use

    • No drugs, or stimulants

    • Use as needed

  • X49


    • Promotes performance, strength, and stamina

    • Supports a healthy cardiovascular system through exercise

    • Reduce recovery time following exercise

    • Supports maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise programs



    • Supports overall wellness in combination with a healthy physical fitness routine

    • Promotes the flow of energy in the body

    • Supports your physical fitness routine

  • AEON


    • Helps you to relax

    • Helps you better manage or reduce stress

  • & MORE

    These are just a few of our favorite products but if you are looking for something else, go to our website and explore more products!

    Shop with Kelsey

    Shop with Julia